Rähn/Woodpecker Proto

Rähn/Woodpecker Proto



Tegemist on prototüüp Rähniga. B-Soft plastik sobib hästi puttimiseks, kuna haakub hästi korvi kettidesse kinni. At-Hard plastik on jälle gramm kangem, kui B-Soft plastik. Eesti Disctroyeri Tiimi sõnul täidab Rähn oma lennujoonega täpselt ära puudu oleva ketta koha Varblase ja Lõokese vahel.

Lennu numbrid (eeldatav!):

4 | 2(2,5) | 0 | 3,5


This is a prototype B-Soft Woodpecker. B-Soft plastic is suited for putting because it hooks well into the chains of the basket. At-Hard plastic is again a bit more overstable than B-Soft plastic. According to the Estonian Disctroyer Team, the Woodpecker exactly fills the missing cap between Sparrow and Skylark with its flight numbers.

Flight numbers (expected!):

4 | 2(2,5) | 0 | 3,5

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