Skylark Mini Stamp

Skylark Mini Stamp


LÕOKE Mini Stamp

Lõoke (Skylark) on ülestabiilne KESKMAA ketas, millega saad julgelt sooritada viskeid, mis peavad hajuma vasakule. Ketas hoiab hästi viskejoont ning hajub lõpus vasakule ka vastutuult lennutades. Skylark on alustavale mängijale tugevalt vasakule vajuv ketas ning kogenenumale mängijale universiaalne keskmaa, millega saab teostada erinevaid visked iga ilmaga.

Lennuomadused ja märgistused kettal:
Kiirus 5
Hõljuvus 4
Pööre 0
Hajuvus 2

Viisnurga märgistus ketta keskel näitab, et ketas lendab oma lennu lõpufaasis pigem vasakule.

Diameeter: 21,8 cm
Kaal: 178-180 g

Skylark Mini Stamp

Skylark is an overstable MID-RANGE disc. With Skylark you can safely make throws that have to scatter to the left. The disc holds the throwing line well and also diffuses to the left when flying upwind. For a beginner, the Skylark is heavy to left twisting disc, and for the more advanced player, a universal mid-range disc that can perform different throws in any weather.
The pentagon symbol indicates that the disk will fly to the left during the final phase of its flight


Diameter: 21.8 cm

Weight: 178-180 g

Flight characteristics and markings on the disc:
Speed: 5; Glide: 5; Turn: 0; Fade: 2


The pentagon symbol indicates that the disk will fly to the left during the final phase of its flight

Plastic type:
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